not gonna lie, but i've never watched Phineas and Ferb, but i can see that it has been a very good show for everyone who watched it, from characters, to story, and even the best not-actually-evil villain called Dr. Doofenshmirtz
not gonna lie, but i've never watched Phineas and Ferb, but i can see that it has been a very good show for everyone who watched it, from characters, to story, and even the best not-actually-evil villain called Dr. Doofenshmirtz
You should totally check it out! Its really an incredible show!
And Doofershmirtz will always be one if not the best quote on quote villain ever.
ahhh detective robot, defective robot? maybe, maybe not, anyways this is actually very clear and shows very well what its supposed to be, also "Detective Robot" sounds like a cartoon
He's some sort of a Detective Robot, more like an exploration robot capable of exploring hazardous/radioactive enviroments.
Also thank you man!
they look good, also is that some sort of electricity egg?
YOOOOOOO- wait is she a cat? she kinda looks like a cat to me
i feel that honestly
now that's a lot of damage
ok so uhm... what's my fate?
gAEMKID, not GameBoy but its acceptable
i see he does abs a lot, does he skip leg day tho?
that's it, gimme that vehicle, i'm learning how to drive
i'm just some guy who likes music and drawing... and trains, that's it
Joined on 5/8/21