
441 Art Reviews

94 w/ Responses

wow i deadass thought this was real food at first, looks really good mate!

VCT responds:

Thank you mate! Damn tbh i didn't even expected it to look that good but the result ended up looking better than i tought. Overall a fun proyect to work on.

hell yeah magic stones, i'll get 500 of the blue one

its your best nightmare Papyrus, that's what it is

Really good honestly, the stylization makes it kinda look like a Sonic character with the smoothness it has

yep, i can see the improvement here, now all you need to do is to cut off a part of her chin, not trying to be mean, but chins don't end on a point like that
Edit: you have a point

Rappenem responds:

Depends on the style you're going for.

damn Streetcity looks awesome! but i really need to know what's inside the Badguyz 24/7 hotel now

these look pretty cool, i also got an idea for how the eye flail might work, first is crying mode with the normal eye, it has a a 70% chance of letting out tears that damage enemies
second is bitter mode with the mouth eye, it has a 30% chance of getting the enemy closer to you but it also deals 50% more damage and also the bleeding debuff

yo he looks cool! i also like the detail of the arrow going up when he's feeling a positive emotion and down when its a negative emotion

yes, we need more Da Laege of Yo Mom

SuperAxDs responds:

We all need it, I just need to come up with more idiotic titles

pikachu with the ketchup packets, what he gonna do?

SuperAxDs responds:

Probably consume them all

i'm just some guy who likes music and drawing... and trains, that's it

Joined on 5/8/21

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