now he looks like a calamity boss, at least for me
now he looks like a calamity boss, at least for me
how is this unusable? you can hold it perfectly fine
gorgeous, or whatever its spelled like idk
Waht the dgo dnio
BASE looks cool like this, i'm imagining that he saw some spy movie a few minutes before this image was taken lol
looks very good mate, i don't watch the show personaly but it seems cool
Thanks! The show is really good, I completely recommend it!
very good but, what if it was purple?
cool robot but, YOOOOOOOOOOO ITS THAT ONE ELECTRIC GUN MADE A FEW MONTHS AGO!!!!!! and also, if this is supposed to work in dangerous places, shouldn't it have a bit more armour? or is the armour detachable/wearable? because if you want something to work in dangerous places, i think you would want it to last a few minutes or hours
Yes it is in fact the elecric gun i made some time ago, i'm just lazy making models lmao
Also, it is supossed to work at dangerous places because his entire metal body is made of plead, ceramic, metal and other stuff, she doesn't need armour, he's made of armour, although they can use colored plates over their body shell to look different or change their entire body color to either dark gray or white, they don't have really a "color code" their AI just has prefferences
Also, the body has a signature on the right that says "slim model" that's because they are the basic model of bots, they vary a lot in sizes but there are other variants of them, for example the "Chunk model" which is a lot "fatter" and bulkier because is made for more heavy tasks like excavations and lifting heavy materials across a place, or the "micro model" which is really, REALLY small, they are so small they only have 3 fingers and more basic and slim boy parts, and they are made for basically fixing everything a human would need to use a needle to even touch
minigun dick? minidick? dickgun?
ohhhhhhhhhh Cyana in the field
i'm just some guy who likes music and drawing... and trains, that's it
Joined on 5/8/21