why did i think of the "no bitches?" meme?
why did i think of the "no bitches?" meme?
looks very cool mate, btw, for school? like a school project? i actually made an oc just for a school project once if what i think is actually what's happening
Aye, project brief was to design two characters and an environment. I’m doing an extra year at an already weird janky art- based school to focus on preparing a folio. It’s! Interesting?.
oh so you're going for a simpler style? cool honestly, i also like how you translated every detail into the new style
Im trying it out for now, feel like ive been a bit stuck in my own shell for a long time so it feel nice to try something new
oh shit its Master Cheeks!
ok but why is there an 8th chaos emerald?
ok but can he beat Shaggy?
hmm... needs more eyes/tentacles
idk who Piconjo is but i think he's sick af
man all of this base but i'm yet to see something trully BASED, good poster btw 10/10 would probably hang on a wall if i had a printer
dang man sorry if all the Base bot thing is too repetitive, i really need to do some other stuff to be honest but thank you so much, if i ever do merch (i will probably never do it but still) the first thing i'll make is a real life poster of him
Tails is mood
He represents me 24/7
i'm just some guy who likes music and drawing... and trains, that's it
Joined on 5/8/21